Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life in a children's home

Work started at 7:15am today.  I liked it.  I hated the early start, but loved the shift.  Two kids went to school on time, then two more at, like, 11:00am, one didn't at all, and one is expelled.  Once i'd got back from taking the late school attendees the two left behind were bored, and one was annoyed that he was being asked to do work.  A mug was thrown and broken, i had to stamp out a small fire...and later on, because he was bored, the other young person tagged a wall and ripped up paper/threw stuff all over the floor.  

What is it that means that, where i'd find something constructive to do with my time if i was bored, or process/let go of/address my anger or frustration, they turn to destructive behaviour? And how the flip can i help them to realise that it's not the way to behave, and develop the skills to behave differently?  And how do you un-lazy a young person? 

I'm scared of who they'll become unless they change.  

1 comment:

Ella Richards said...

I am really enjoying your blog. I thought your comments on Children's Homes were insightful.

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