Sunday, January 25, 2009

My day

Community breakfast - in a bigger room, so felt less intimate, but was great to see people and kids again, and it's definitely the best venue. 

Family Lunch - i went to pick up nan which was lovely, then we went over to my parents together.  Didn't spend that much time there, cause i knew i had to get back and do more sorting.

Bedroom - 3 1/2 bin bags of 'stuff' so far.  I'm just chucking them.  It's ridiculous.  There's still so much more to sort through! I don't get how i've ended up with all of this.  

Now - i'm dead.  Arms are dead. So much lifting and heaving and sorting and i'm feeling it.  I need to cook dinner.  Haha.  I don't want to move.

Later - Community vision gathering - means it's gonna be a late night.  

I should really sleep.  And cook.  And can't believe there's still more sorting to do!

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