Sunday, January 18, 2009

Joshi survived...

Man alive, i got a call from my brother saying that he'd been in a car crash today.  Scary stuff.  He's ok.  Well - nothing in him broke, and nothing in Pete, the driver, broke...but the car most definately broke.  

Poor thing is very achey and whiplashed...he's told me i must always wear a seatbelt...he'd be dead if he hadn't.  

That doesn't bear thinking about. 

The police said they were amazed he's alive, that people have died in crashes smaller than this one.  

Josh didn't call my parents, and i think they're upset about that.  But when i asked him why, he said it was because he didn't want them to worry when they saw the crash, he thought it'd be best if he left it till he knew what was amazing how different things can look from different perspectives.

Pete aquaplaned, that's how it happened...and that's scary.  


1 comment:

sarahfrostie said...

man alive... amazing he is so ok after that.