Saturday, January 17, 2009


I've had a lie-in, and it was good.  

I'm enjoying not being a parent atm...not that it's an option, lol, but you know what i mean.  And not that i'd never want to be a parent...even though it freaks me out to think about it.  I'm just liking not having that responsibility of having to get up at 6am every morning (...and entertaining the kids, feed them, do things they want to do rather than what i want to do) right now.  

I think if i ever get married then i'd want a good few years of being married before having children too - enjoying the togetherness without little ones.  But then, i'd not want to be an old mommy...and as i'm not with anyone right now, i'll not be getting married before i'm 26 i shouldn't think, at the earliest...oh do you know what? I was just going to go through and plan it all...but it's silly, lol, who knows what and when and all that jazz?  Que sera, sera.

Speaking of Marriage, that's actually the purpose of this blog, lol.  I'm going to see Al in a bit for lunch, and then we're going to look at pretty Bride and Bridesmaid flowers - whoop!  As i think i've blogged before, i'm LOVING being a bridesmaid - soo much fun, as well as the amazing privilege.  

Right, getting up time!

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