Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another piece of useful advice...

I was 'talking' to a good friend of mine over emails and one of his little gems of wisdom was;
"Do try not to over analyse everything, bloody woman!!"'s a good observation.  Not that i'm a woman - that's slightly more obvious, but that i over analyse everything.

My head doesn't let stuff go.  It keeps on thinking and analysing and questioning, to the point where it's not very good for me.  It saps the fun out of life.  And makes me more reserved and wary i think.  Haha, i just gave an example, but it was waay too realistic - you'd all get freaked out and run away, lol!!  So i deleted it. :)

But suffice to say, i need to stop over analysing situations.  I don't know how to.  And if i'm honest, there's a level of safety i feel after i analyse every possible thought man could muster over a situation.  

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