Sunday, January 18, 2009

Church curry

I like my church.  I don't actually know that many people in it...there's the people from my community, and then a few outside of that, and then strangers/people who's faces i recognise.  

But i still like it.  There's something about genuine community and care for each other, is nice. 

We've started to have evening services; same sermon as the morning ones, but means that if you're serving in the morning you get to hear the sermon on the evening - which is great.  Also, the morning is VERY family orientated - children running everywhere, very loud, quite crowded.  The evening service is soo much more chilled - no children, fewer people, more 20-something aged, i love it.  I love them both, for different reasons.

This evening after church we went for a curry.  "We" = over 40 of us.  It was a huge family outing, and it was great.  Happy, chilled, friendly.  That's church.  

So many people don't get what church is about, they see it as a boring service.  If only they could see it through my eyes.  

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