Saturday, January 10, 2009

I feel like saying something...

...but i don't know what.  I know i had things to say earlier.  But my sieve-brain has forgotten them.  

Had a great walk in the park today.  A COLD walk, but a good walk.  A pretty walk.  With two lovely friends of mine.  I love the friendships where you can just be, and not have to talk.  Some STUPID person thought it was a good idea to throw a ball for their dog ONTO the lake...i was so scared - if that dog had gone into the lake, that would have been a big black mark on my weekend...not that a dead Priscilla hadn't already put a dampener on things!

Dan decided on eating in O'Neils in Sutton, i've never been there before, but loved it.  Lots of character, and smiley faces, and yummy food.  Free ad: Eat at O'Neils, tis nice. 

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