Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 random things about me + 3

I did this on Facebook today, and quite enjoyed it! So thought i'd store it here...i don't really get the 'notes' part of facebook so will loose it if i don't! Have added an extra few on the bottom, and am sure that i'll add more as life goes on :)

1 - I can be both very indecisive and a little too decisive...only not at the same time
2 - I've always walked on my tiptoes, and have the calves to prove it
3 - I love staring at the stars when i'm away from street lights
4 - My legs and fingers bend in unusual ways
5 -I love the idea of romance and being romanced
6 -Which reminds me of when i was about 5 and a little boy at a wedding got his mum to go home and get a ring so that he could give it to me...i don't have a clue who he was, but still have the ring :)
7 - The sea is a necessity in my life - i have cravings for it
8 - I want to explore the world, especially America
9 - I've still got my first ever cuddly toy; Ellie
10 - I've re-discovered the joy of blogging
11 - I regret being swayed on the colour of my room by those who were present at the time of purchasing it
12 - I love love love photos - they're memories you can store forever
13 - I wish i could dance better, and had the time for lessons. In another life i'd want to be a dancer professionally - it makes me feel alive
14 - Me and cotton wool/loose woollen clothing/laces do not get on. Don't go there. I will lash out in defense
15 - I always want a new pair of heeled shoes
16 - I almost always feel too tall when i wear them (yay for taller guys!!)
17 - I wish i baked more
18 - I wish i climbed more
19 - Words can not express how much i value my amazing friends
20 - I'm privileged enough to be a Bridesmaid for Phil and Alex AND the Maid of Honour for Jen and Lea - still completely bowled over by the fact that they've both picked me
21 - I feel most loved when someone wants to spend time with me 'just because' 
22 - I've never been bought flowers by a boy
23 - I love random adventures and road trips with friends
24 - Getting post from a friend will always make my day
25 – My life is enhanced beautifully by food and all it's wonderful varieties
26 - I really like driving fast, but think it's wrong to not keep to the speed limit
27 - When Dean's not coming home i'll often dance around the house to songs on my ipod
28 - I'm one of those drivers who go past singing their heart out as if no-one can see them.  Even if i'm at the traffic lights.

So there you go! Learn anything new?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you also....

can do strange bendy things with your fingers and toes

hate the white stuff around oranges

have fed fish sticks to a tiger (ok it was my cat but close)

...i think we need a whole other page for random stuff i know lol