Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Things i love

So, i reckon i'm really well off.  It's easy to feel down, but there are loads of things that make me smile and happy, so i decided to list some.  That way, i've not got any excuse to be sad!
  • Mornings in my house when Dean and i have nothing to rush off to
  • White Hot Chocolate (thank you Sarah!)
  • Time alone with the sea
  • Getting to my parents and having a big hug from my dad
  • Having nice, painted nails
  • People watching
  • Seeing my mom lots and never feeling like i don't have enough space
  • Days off
  • Seeing the stars
  • Eating out
  • My wonderful friends
  • Walks in the park
  • Pick n Mix and other sweets from the past
  • Photos
  • Duvet, film and ice cream nights
  • Giving people gifts
  • My gorgeous bed, especially when the sheets are fresh
  • Waking up without an alarm
  • Proper snow
  • Being able to drive to wherever i want to go (within obvious reason)
  • My lovely car
  • When my brother is himself and therefore wonderfully entertaining, fun and engaging
  • Frostings Cupcakes
  • Getting random texts/hello phone calls/cards
  • My ever-fattening gerbil and her cuteness
  • Being privileged to be a part of the lives of my friend's children
  • Exciting possibilities
  • Being chosen to be a bridesmaid by two wonderful friends
  • Getting into Charring Cross and stepping out of the station - 'I've arrived'
  • Snuggling up in warm clothes
  • Hugs that mean something
...but not in any particular order :)
I have a lot of lovely things in my life.  It's so easy to forget. 

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