Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hair Cut

I like hair.  My hair may just be my favorite part of me, physically that is.  And not because i've got an amazing hair cut - i've got a boring style. It has only just (literally) been cut, and i can still say that it's boring.  But i love what my hair does to my appearance, what other people's hair does to their appearance.  It just frames/hides/feminises and means that i can actually look in the mirror and smile.

Still, i've not had it cut for months and months.  Sometimes i wonder if i'm the laziest person i know.  Now however, it is cut.  And that's good.  But still boring.  But better.  

Did you know hairdressers hands hurt and get red and cracked? I felt quite guilty - my hairdresser today Sarah (i think names are very important, part of respect for someone's identity, and i want to use them whenenver possible - so that theres less chance of me ever seeing someone purely as a means to an end) said she couldn't even feel her hands!  Imagine that as part of your job!  And i was her first customer.  Poor Sarah. 

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