Monday, December 15, 2008

Spotty dancer

I am so very fed up of spots.  I'm just feeling my most horriblest for so very long.  I wish that i could be the sort of person that didn't really care about things like that, but i'm not.  Even better, i wish i could be the sort of person that didn't have spots!! Really though.  Saying all that, it's so easy to fall into a place of feeling sorry for myself, and i don't want to be that person!

Am catching up with X Factor atm, and just have to say that i love the dancing.  I so want to dance.  I love it, and to perform as a dancer would be so wonderful!! Is one of my dreams, one of those 'if i lived a different life, i'd love to be that person' things.  If i could mix that in with singing...whoop!  I just feel like i come alive when i'm dancing in a way nothing else can really bring me to.   

So there you go.  Two random points for the day.  

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