Friday, December 26, 2008

Medicine Measurements... they take into consideration, when they tell you how much to take, that there's going to be some left in the little cup thing? 

My night time corvonia, which is going to my head as i type, is to be taken in 15ml doses (I often just take a swig, but don't want to take too much cause the drowsiness can be carried on to the next day - i figured the more i take, the more likely that is to happen).  

I reckon that around 3ml is left on the cup-y-thing...that's 1/5 of the dose!  So either they take it into consideration, or i should take an extra bit to make up for it, surely?  Or maybe i should just use the spoons instead...they're just more effort and less accurate i reckon.

Just a my now much more dozy state :)

I think that maybe i think too much. 

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