Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cheeky car and other thoughts

So, my car sooo has a personality! A cheeky one at that.  It likes to trick me when it comes to the petrol amounts...for example today i watched it go up a sixth of a tank!  Cheeky cheeky.  And other days it'll be low, i'll park, and then when i start up again it'll be higher...or the other way around! Dear-y me, keeps me on my toes!  I drove my driving instructor today - eek! I was like 'hello...' and he was like 'lets see what bad habits you've picked up...' - he's great :)

Other news/thoughts is/are:
  • I wish i could switch off feelings/emotions - would be especially wonderful if i could pick which ones
  • I need an extra brain - a few brain cells better, to figure out what the flip i should be thinking
  • I keep on being half aware of my insecurity/insecurities, but that awareness is just feeling the result of them, not the useful half of how to confront and get rid of it/them...because it/they can make me feel so very pants
  • People often do what they think is the right/good thing, but they only see it from their perspective, not from those who will be impacted by said decision.  I watch stuff happen that i know the person who it's for wouldn't want - and am powerless to do something to make it better for them.  There's a need for some sort of empathic understanding of other people in the world. 
  • If past experiences and the experience of friends tell you that you shouldn't trust someone, and they come back into your life and are gonna be staying there, as well as in the lives of others...what should you do?
  • How do you know if God wants you to do something? How do you know it's not just you convincing yourself it's what He want's you to do?
  • Will i get all my christmas shopping done in time?!
  • I really need a break.
So there you go.  There are other thoughts, but i either can't make them cryptic enough to put on here, or am too tired to do any more.  

I do talk too much when i get going - what a ridiculously long post!!

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