Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Morning Sky

Every Wednesday the community of Christians i am a part of spend the whole day (24hrs) in prayer and fasting, and we get together at 6pm for community dinner to break the fast, for social time, and then go into some prayer and worship.  Is like a big, weekly family get together.  I love it.  

My prayer slot is 6-7:30am.  It means i get up at 5:30, and in these winter months it's dark as.  I love being in the prayer room and being able to see the night begin to turn into day.  It's such a slow process that it's not done by the time i leave, think sunrise is around 8 in the winter, but there's such a gorgeous colour change.  

At the start, it's unmistakably black, but then it turns into a dark blue, and then goes through teal and turquoise colours, and sooo many in between.  Stunning.  I'm amazed at how ALL these colours are in the sky.  There's just something about the sky that's awesome.  Awesome's a word i only really use in reference to God...i think we use words too freely without thinking about their meaning, and awe is something i connect with God.  

But i reckon the sky's amazing awesomeness is a tiny expression of God's awesomeness.  And that's pretty darn awesome :) 

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