Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Alright? Alright.

I'm thinking that maybe, when i greet people, i do it too quietly.  You know, people on the street/neighbours etc?  It's happened quite a few times; i'll say 'hey, how are you?' and they'll say 'alright' and then seem to wait for a response...so i say 'yeah, i'm good thanks', while secretly feeling quite confused by the whole scenario.  Is it 'alright!' or 'alright?'?!


Anonymous said...

To I have the same problems too! Like when someone says 'hi, how are you?' I'm never to sure if its an actual question of just a greeting.
I usually stick to "Alright." Maybe stick a mate at the end.
I think that it is more of a question of whether the person wants to talk or not. Like talking about the weather. It's a conversational bridge.

AmyK said...

'Hi, how are you?' should always be a question - it has a question mark in it!!

Are they scared? Or not confident enough? Or can they just not be bothered? OR can they just not hear very well so just carry on as if they did??

Wow. Hmmm...