Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Today i've not blogged.  But i wanted to.  But i've not had the time.  I had something to say, but i've forgotten it.  Here are some other things...even though that one thing is going to annoy me for quite a while...
  • I'm down to my last Porky Pig, and i can't bring myself to eat it. 
  • I figured i've got enough holiday to book time to go to Momentum, Greenbelt, Ghana, and a girls holiday.  Bring it on!! Now all i need to do is figure how the flip i'm gonna afford it...
  • White hot chocolate is still out of stock online...i'm scared and need to get to Nottingham...or...could just ask Dan for a favour...that'd be a sensible option - duh!
  • I truly love the way the snow glistens.
  • I went to Tesco just so i could get myself some milk for a white hot chocolate. 
  • This week i've upped my time at UDB to 4 days instead of the 3 i was doing, and will continue doing that probably forever.  Or until i go full time.
  • I think i get 'it' a lot more now. 
  • Crushes are silly and fun and silly.
  • Young people can be both completely predictable, but then totally, absolutely unpredictable.
  • Electricians take too long.
  • There are most definitely NOT enough hours in the day. 
  • Full time youth work is intense stuff.
  • Self reflection is hard.  
  • I don't know what to do with my hair.
  • I still can't remember what i wanted to blog earlier. 

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