Sunday, February 8, 2009


Saturday i went to bed at 1:30, got up at 6:15, left at 7:30, and was awake for 20ish hours.

I met Jen's bridesmaids...and get on with them all just fine.  Good times.

I tried on two wedding dresses.  Was part of my duty as maid of honour so that Jen could see the back detail properly.  It now feels slightly like i've started something i can't finish.

I used up as much petrol going around Manchester on Saturday as i did driving to Manchester from Birmingham.  That's quite a lot.

I missed blogging on more than one occasion. 

I drove all the way home with my boot open.  Thankfully, i still have all my stuff...i think...

I went to church, and the service was on relationships, and how in our culture too much pressure is put on 'dating', and that we should date more without the whole 'i'm dating you therefore i'm marrying you' thing.  I agree, in as much as i think that you need to be able to spend time with someone getting to know them and not stress about whether you'll marry them...but at the same time i don't think it's ok to be doing that if you're not up for that relationship possibly ending in marriage at some point.  Something in it didn't sit right.  But that could be just because it goes against my culture.

I drove back from Church wondering when i'll have a special someone in my life.  I'd like to get to know someone better with the view to maybe 'go steady'...even though it petrifies me at the same time.

I got home to find my new washing machine fixed, and a cupboard put where my old one was.  I think it was my daddy, but he's not text back.  HA - and as i wrote that, he text me.  It was him.  But it has a leak.  My dad is the best in the world.

I was cold, so got a hot water bottle.  I can't remember when i last did that. 

I now need to sleeep...and secretly really really want it to snow overnight so that there's 20inches of the stuff when i wake up. there you go!

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