Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Man, 23 years!

That's a lot.  It's weird to think that i'm that age.  I still feel like a teenager.  I don't like how my young people are now surprised when i listen to 'cool' music.  I love sharing my life with loads of people and visiting different friends and being spontaneous and not tied down. 

My last year has been quite cool.  

My break up with Nath was something i was still dealing with at the start, which sucked, but i survived, and grew as a result.  I got a 2-1 at Uni and a 1st in my disser-flippin-tation, man, i survived uni!!  I passed my driving test, got my first car, experienced a spa for the first time, saw the wonders that Rome held,  I can now climb...quite well.  

I've started to see a light at the end of the tunnel that was the isolation i felt from God.  I've learnt so much about me.  I get me more, who i am, what i want, and what i need.  I have a new found confidence in myself, security in who i am.  I got closer to some lovely people who i never want to lose in my life, and tried to figure out what close relationships looked like in new environments. 

So.  I'm going to stop thinking about where i should be at.  How a 23yr old should be.  What a 23yr old should have accomplished.  Whatever.  No more.  I am who i am, and i'm looking forward to growing more and what my next year might contain - ooooh!!

Watch this space :) x

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