Tuesday, February 17, 2009


...eugh.  Birthdays are not what they used to be.  Today's going to be weird.  I'm spending the day at work, and have nothing organised for this evening.

I'm not really where i thought i'd be in life either.  You know, when you're younger and plan out what's going to happen in what year of your life?  I expected to be married.  Part of me is glad i'm not.  But i'd be lying if i said i didn't want that to begin to happen in the next few years of my life.  I'm petrified that i might never get married.  Not because i don't like being alone, although that is sometimes true, other times i treasure it.  I just want to be able to share life with someone.  But then i love the freedom that singleness brings.  Is odd being this age.  

Is crazy another year has gone - i'm so thankful for my health and wellbeing over this last year, God has been good.  I'm intrigued as to what my next year is going to be like...hmmm...

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